2024-2025 Fall/Winter sports programs registration is now available. 

Fall-winter Registration is now available. 

Before you start the online registration process, Please READ THE FOLLOWING: 

For more info, including sports programs details, click here

5th Annual GDSO Golf Tournament 

We cannot thank everyone who came out to support GDSO at the 5th annual golf tournament. In particular, special thanks go to a couple of GDSO friends and long-time supporters who put in countless hours on this fundraising event, Ryan Colpitts and Howie Richards, for ALL their work organizing and running another fundraising golf tournament. Thanks also to the Colpitts & Richards family members, and the GDSO athletes & volunteers who attended to support the cause. Thanks to the golfer$ who attended, AND the amazing Sponsors! An update! … Ryan and Howie raised a total of $20,000 this year!! WOW!! This brings the total that they have raised over the past  5 years to $55,000!! No words can express how fortunate we are to have these two doing what they do for us. 

Special Olympics Ontario – Athlete Representative 

Attention all GDSO athletes: Are you ready to be more involved in your local Special Olympics sports community? If so there is an exciting role that may be just the thing you need! You could be the new Athlete Representative on the GDSO Community Council, where you get to be the voice of your fellow athletes on council. If you're interested, click on Role Description, the Selection Process and speak with a council member if you would like to apply for the position. 

Special Olympics Ontario – Greater Durham Council, Fundraising Coordinator. 

Thank you to all who came out to the 2023 GDSO AMM and to those who agreed to fill council positions. There are still some vacant positions.  In particular, we are actively canvasing for someone to fill the Fundraising Coordinator position. Please speak with a council member if you are willing to help out. For more info about this very important role, please click here

Rowan's Law

Concussion awareness and safety is important for EVERYONE and now it's the law! Special Olympics Ontario will be sharing info on this for our athletes / programs soon. Meanwhile, learn more @ https://www.ontario.ca/page/rowans-law-concussion-safety 


Contact Us                                                

For general inquiries, contact your Community Council at greaterdurham.info@specialolympicsontario.ca or 1 (888) 333-5515 ext 256. 

For information about registration, email greaterdurham.registrar@specialolympicsontario.ca